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House of Enigma    
zodiac: Pisces
work: graduate student
Best Dressed Spectator
favorites: color- black ("I look FIERCE in black"); food- my homemade mac & cheese
(passed down 2 me & only me from my late grandmother...its off-da-chain!!!
); song- "There She Goes"
by Babyface
words to live by: "
Live life to the fullest. There are no do-overs, re-dos or none of that... so make every
moment count, dahlings!"

Alle' aka "Buffy"
zodiac: Aries
BQ Model's Body, BQ Face (Masculine, Dark and Lovely)
work: psychologist / writer
favorites: color- anything earthy (especially browns and greys); food- italian or chinese; song- "As" by Stevie Wonder and "Oh Me, Oh My" by Aretha Franklin
words to live by: "You'll never gain weight from a donut hole."
Jody aka "Scandal" (Zandella)
zodiac: Cancer
categories: Old Way Vogue Performance, Bizarre...BIZARRE!
work: hospital dietician
favorites: color- red; food- dbl. cheeseburger with only ketchup and mayo; song- "How Do You Keep the Music Playing" by James Ingram
words to live by:"Though you have adversities in life, think of the mythical bird, and just like the 'PHOENIX', you shall also rise from the ashes and live again. You shall find yourself saying as one famous poet,'STILL I RISE!' "
zodiac: Libra
categories: Old Way, Arms Control/Hand Performance, Shake Dat Azz
work: student
favorites: color- Blue; food- lobster and shrimp; song- "Ready For Love" by Indie.Arie
words to live by: "Live your truth, and let your truth live for you."
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